FlowCon EDP 15-50 mm (1/2”-2”) 1H95030 - 02/2024 Δ pC (kPaD) 5 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 1 3670 1670 870 200 1.2 3670 1670 900 370 1.4 3670 1670 920 520 200 1.6 3670 1720 1350 980 610 230 1.8 3900 2830 2400 1970 1550 1120 690 260 2 5550 4300 3800 3300 2800 2300 1800 1300 800 300 FlowCon EDP.3 Flow (l/hr) 2.2 2.4 2.6 7130 8920 11000 5800 7490 9400 5270 6930 8800 4730 6360 8200 4200 5790 7610 3670 5220 7000 3140 4650 6390 2610 4090 5780 2070 3520 5170 1540 2950 4560 1010 2380 3950 480 1810 3340 1240 2730 680 2120 200 1510 900 290 2.8 11700 11000 10400 9700 9100 8400 7740 7090 6430 5770 5110 4460 3800 3140 2480 1820 1170 510 3 13600 12900 12200 11500 10800 10000 9300 8600 7900 7190 6470 5760 5050 4330 3620 2900 2190 1470 760 200 3.5 13400 12600 11900 11100 10300 9600 8800 8100 7320 6570 5810 5060 4300 3550 2790 2040 1280 530 4 13900 13100 12300 11500 10700 9870 9070 8270 7470 6670 5870 5070 4270 3470 2670 1870 1070 270 4.5 13600 12800 12100 11400 10700 9900 9200 8500 7740 7020 6290 5560 4830 4110 3380 2650 1930 1200 470 5 14000 13300 12600 12000 11300 10600 10000 9300 8600 7970 7300 6640 5970 5300 4640 3970 3300 2640 1970 1300 640 FlowCon International assumes no responsibility for mistakes, if any, in any printed material. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com Page 4 of 4