FlowCon UniQ ® Dynamic Self Balancing Control Valve DN15-20 / 1/2”-3/4” SPECIFICATIONS Static pressure: Ambient temperature: Media temperature 1 : Material: - Housing: - Composite components (internal): - Metal components (internal): - O-rings and seat: - Diaphragm: - Stroke: Maximum close off pressure: Maximum operational Δ P: Control characteristic: Control range: Rangeability: Turn down ratio: Shut-off leakage: Flow rate range: End connections: 2500 kPa / 360 psi +1ºC to +50ºC / +34ºF to +122ºF -20ºC to +100ºC / -4ºF to +212ºF Forged brass ASTM CuZn40Pb2 Glass-reinforced PSU/PPS/POM Stainless steel EPDM EPDM 3.7 mm / 0.15 in 200 kPa / 29 psi 200 kPaD / 29 psid linear 1:1000 / IEC60534 100:1 (with deadband of 100 mV set on external controller) 100:1 ANSI / FCI 70-2 2006, Class IV / IEC 60534-4, Class IV 0.00563-0.209 l/sec / 0.0892-3.31 GPM Fixed female DN15/20 ISO 20mm male ISO suitable for DN15/18/20 EuroCone according to EN215, Annex A Multiple union end connections Note 1: Stated temperature rating is defined due to no external condensation. Tech note · may 2022 · www.flowcon.com Page 1 of 9
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