MODEL NUMBER SELECTION Insert type of valve/valve body: F3890= for By-Pass unit with 4 unions A= for A housings with E-JUST2 / Composite2 / Stainless steel insert in adaptor2 / Strainer2 / Strainer w. drain valve AB= for AB housings DN15-25 small with E-JUST2 / Composite2 / Stainless steel insert in adaptor2 / Strainer / Strainer w. drain valve EVC= for EVC housings with E-JUST (alternatively Composite / Stainless steel insert in adaptor, but cap not covered)3 EVS= for A / AB housings DN15-25 small with EVS and Stainless steel insert3 Green= for A / AB / ABV2 housings DN15-25 small with Green.0/.13 TJUST= for A / AB / ABV housings DN15-25 small with T-JUST3 F3900=full By-Pass assembly consisting of F3900.2, AB Valve Body and FlowCon IVC Strainer Note 2: Not to be combined with IF3890. Note 3: Actuator will be outside the shell. I ______ ACCESSORIES Spare part p/t plug cap: ACCIPT. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The insulation shells are temperature insulation for FlowCon valves in environments with temperatures very different from the media temperatures in the valves. The insulation shells are easily fitted and removed (if necessary) due to the soft snap function of the foam. All insulation shells for valve housings are also included with the accessory part ACCIPT (for easy access to the optional p/t plugs). The insulation shells IA (for A-body with strainer / strainer with drain valve), IAB (for AB-body with strainer / strainer with drain valve), IEVC (for EVC-body), IEVS (for EVS-insert with either A or AB-body) and IGreen (for Green inserts with either A or AB-body) can be combined with IF3890 (for By-Pass unit) so that there is an overlap between the two parts which will affect the total length. The insulation shell IF3900 fits the full By-Pass assembly consisting of FlowCon ByPass F3900.2, various AB DN20 valve configurations and FlowCon IVC strainer. APPLICATION EXAMPLE IA on A 20mm housing with strainer and drain valve. Note: IA/IAB can only be fitted on supply side when used together with IF3890. IF3890 on By-Pass valve with 4 unions. IEVC on EVC 20mm housing with E-JUST and EV actuator. UPDATES For latest updates please see FlowCon International can accept no responsibility for possible errors in any printed material. All rights reserved. Tech note · FlowCon Insulation Shells · january 2018 · Page 3 of 3
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