FlowCon General Instruction 05/2024 FLOWCON VALVE HOUSINGS: Install the selected valve housing as called for in the design drawings. FlowCon A The housing is available with fixed female-by- female threaded connections for all model sizes. The A model is only available for 20 mm (3/4”) insert and model numbers are A15.X, A20.X and A25.I. FlowCon FIT The valve is available with double union end connections or double flange connections de- pending on size. P/t plugs without collar. FIT-G is insert based for AB housing and p/t plugs with collar. FlowCon Green.3 The valve is available with fixed female-by-fe- male threaded connections for all model sizes. P/t plugs with collar. FlowCon AB The housing is similarly available with fixed female-by-female threaded connections for all model sizes. The AB model is available for 20 mm (3/4”) insert (model numbers are AB15.X, AB20.X and AB25.I.K), 40 mm (1 1/2”) insert (model numbers are AB25.X and AB32.X) and 50 mm (2”) insert (model numbers are AB40.X and AB50.X). P/t plugs with collar. FlowCon K The valve is available with fixed female-by-fe- male threaded connections for all model sizes. P/t plugs with collar. FlowCon Partner Ball The valve is available with fixed female-by-fe- male threaded connections for all model sizes. P/t plugs without collar. FlowCon ABV The housing is available with double union end connections for all model sizes. The ABV model is available for 20 mm (3/4”) insert (model num- ber ABV1) and 40 mm (1 1/2”) insert (model number ABV2). P/t plugs with collar. FlowCon By-Pass 2-Union The unit is for all sizes available one-sided with fixed female threaded connections and one-sid- ed double union end connections. FlowCon By-Pass Mini The unit is for all sizes available with fixed 20 mm male ISO threaded connections suitable for DN15/18/20 EuroCone according to EN215. FlowCon Essentia The valve is available with fixed female-by-female threaded connections for all valve sizes. P/t plugs with collar. Fixed male-by-male flat face threaded connection (no p/t plugs option) is available for DN15. FlowCon Partner Globe The valve is available for double flanged connec- tions for all model sizes. P/t plugs without collar. FlowCon PIM ™ -DP The valve is available for double flanged connec- tions for all model sizes. P/t plugs without collar. FlowCon QuickDisc ® The valve is available with fixed female-by-fe- male threaded connections for all model sizes. P/t plugs without collar. FlowCon SM The valve is available with double union end connections or double flange connections de- pending on size. P/t plugs without collar. FlowCon Unimizer ® The valve is available with double union end connections or double flange connections de- pending on size. P/t plugs without collar. Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com Page 2 of 4
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