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FlowCon General Instruction 11/2024 FlowCon General Instruction GENERAL: Medium: Water or water mixture (up to 100% Ethylene Glycol or Propylene Glycol - click her to find associated flow correction factor). commends thread sealant (Permabond A1044 or equivalent). When using Teflon tape, FlowCon recommends 4-6 rounds of tape applied tightly in clockwise rotation. WHEN USING HEMP AS PIPE SEALANT, ENSURE NO STRANDS ARE LEFT IN THE VALVE OR PIPING. Flushing: Water must always be suitable treated, clean and free of debris (according to VDI 2035 re- commendation). In case of an insert-based valve, system is re- commended to be flushed before the insert is in- stalled in the valve body. A suitable flushing cap is available. In case of a one-unit-valve, system is recommended to be flushed before the valve is installed. If not possible, flush the system at maximum flow setting equal to fully open valve. Ensure that the valve is not in the fully closed position when filling the system with water. It is recommended that a strainer be installed prior to the valve body to prevent damage or blockage due to debris. Installation: INSTALL THE VALVE HOUSING WITH THE FLOW DIRECTIONAL ARROW POINTING IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION. Valves must be installed avoiding unnecessary pull or twist in the valve housing. Thread Sealing: For threaded connections please clear threads on both valve and piping of debris. FlowCon re- For threaded connections including sealing O- ring or sealing gasket additional sealing is not required. Please make sure the O-ring / gasket is properly placed. After finger tightening O-ring sealing requires 2-5 Nm torque. EuroCone fittings will seal with FlowCon By-Pass Mini without additional sealing. O-rings: Any O-ring (on valve, insert or accessory) is re- commended to be greased with silicone oil before installation. IMPORTANT: Never use mineral oil or petrol-based grease or oil on the O-rings. Pressure: It is recommended to make some type of over- pressure limitation to avoid the inlet pressure never exceeds the maximum operating pres- sure. The valves shall be inspected for damage after any overpressure condition. Recycling: At end of product life FlowCon recommends to sort valve parts into brass, ductile iron, stainless steel, plastics and electronics for proper recyc- ling, energy recovery and minimized waste. WARRANTY: Following recommendations will prolong valve life and give better functionality. Failure to abide by all recommendations as per this General Instruction will void warranty. Warranty is voided using other actuators than supplied or recommended by FlowCon Interna- tional. For any supplementary warranty obligations, please see the relevant product specific installa- tion and operation instruction. Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 4
