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FlowCon ADP 15-25 mm (1/2”-1”) 1H95010 - 10/2021 Installation and Operation Instruction The FlowCon ADP inserts are for use with three different FlowCon valve housings, either: FlowCon A DN15/20/25 (1/2”-1”) FlowCon AB DN15/20/25 (1/2”-1”) FlowCon ABV DN15/20/25 (1/2”-1”) Insert Setting and Installation Prior to installing the FlowCon ADP insert (sup- plied from factory in setting 5.0 due to calibra- tion), the system should be properly flushed. Blank valve covers are available to be installed during flushing. It is recommended to grease the O-rings located around the insert and headnut with silicone grease before installing the insert in the valve housing. After installation and if the side tap on the connector-ring is in the way, the connection- ring may be independently turned clockwise for a more optimal position. Setting is better carried out after the insert is installed in the valve housing. The desired flow / ΔpCircuit is set by adjusting the insert (turned from setting 1.0 and up) with a special adjustment key (i.e. table on page 2). Scale setting is located at the top of the insert where the large digits, numbered 1 to 5, indi- cate full turns and the digits on the red counter- wheel, numbered 0 to 9, indicate 1/10 of full turn. ΔpCircuit can be measured between Partner Valve (p/t plug) and ADP (first p/t plug). Please wait until the ADP has stabilized itself. Once Flow / ΔpCircuit is set, the required actua - tor may be applied. Please see specific installa- tion instruction for selected actuator. Capillary tube Capillary tube incl. fittings is as standard sup- plied with adaptor for connection to 1/4” tap in Partner Valve. Do not damage the capillary tube by compressing or bending the tube with a bend- ing radius below 20mm (3/4”). Capillary tube is to be finger mounted – DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN . This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 4