FlowCon FNQ.0.2 and FNQ.1.2 Actuators 1B95085 - 06/2020 DIP Switch Settings The valve functions are set on DIP tuator. Factory setting for FNQ.0.2 FlowCon FNQ.0.2 Actuator DIP switch Fun % ction ON % % #1 % Normally Closed switches found under the is ON-OFF-ON-OFF and % silicone cap on the back of the ac- for FNQ.1.2 it is ON-OFF-ON-ON. Fun % ction OFF % Normally Open % % #2 #3 % Auto cycle activated Control signal 0-10V 1 234 % Auto cycle deacti % vated Control signal 2-10V #4 No function FlowCon FNQ.1.2 Actuator DIP switch Fun % ction ON % % #1 % Normally Closed 1 2 3 4 1 234 % No function Fun % ction OFF % Normally Open % #2 % Auto cycle activa % ted #3 Control signal 0-10V 1 2 % 3 4 % Auto cycle deactivated Control signal 2-10V #4 Failsafe close Failsafe open L % ED Status % % % The LED indicator is visible through the silicone cap on the back of the actuator. The LED indication will give the following statuses. FNQ.0.2 FNQ.1.2 Normal operation mode Blinking red every 10 sec Blinking red every 10 sec Charging mode (140 sec) Calibration mode (closing point adjustment - up to 165 sec) Failsafe mode n/a Full on red n/a Blinking red every 2 sec Full on red Blinking red every 2 sec This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com Page 3 of 4
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