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FlowCon Energy FIT System DN15-250 11/2024 Quick Start-Up Sequence FlowCon recommends performing first start-up sequence of the FlowCon Intelligent Inter- face locally in the equipment room before in- stalling the FlowCon Intelligent Interface in the system. All you need is a PC and an adaptor (e.g. a USB to RS485 half-duplex without Echo, 120Ω termination) and a power supply to set 3 basic parameters for the FlowCon FIT System to communication with the BMS. The rest of the FlowCon FIT System (PICV valve incl. actuator and sensors) can easily and if required be in- stalled beforehand. US B B/ M RS S 485 adaptor FlowCon Intelligent Interface A+ B- Signal GND Red White Black Red White Black Grey BACnet I Black Red White Black Grey Black Red Controller Power 24V AC/DC Ground/common Connect the 3 wires from the USB/RS485 adaptor to the black BACnet I cable of the FlowCon Intelligent Interface (middle gland). Connect 24V AC/DC and GND and turn on power (middle gland). From your BACnet interface program (e.g. YABE) connect to the Intelligent Interface and select parameters (default values are underlined): • MSV.1 Baud Rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800 or 115200 • MSV.2 MS/TP MAC Address: 000-127 and • MSV.5 FIT Configuration: 1 (SM., 2 (SM., 3 (FN/FH actuator without pressure sensors) or 4 (FN/FH actuator with pressure sensors). Setting should be accord- ing to system values and FlowCon instruction variables. Finally, label or in other way mark each FlowCon Intelligent Interface to specific location and identification in the project. Please wait 60 sec before switching power off to allow versatile memory to receive the MSV- changes. The MSV-changes will be imple- mented when the Intelligent Interface is re-powered. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon FIT Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 2