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FlowCon EV Actuators 1B95070 - 04/2021 Installation and Operation Instruction The actuator types FlowCon EV.0.2, EV.0.3, EVP.0.3, EV.1.3, EV.0.4, EV.1.4 and EV.0.5 are thermal actuators, Normally Closed. EV.0.2 is 24V modulating and EV.0.3, EVP.0.3, EV.0.4   and EV.0.5 are ON/OFF actuators. FlowCon EV.1.3 and EV.1.4 are ON/OFF versions with end switch. Fitting and Re-moving NEVER install the actuator in closed position - this may damage the actua- tor and makes it difficult to install. To ensure that the valve is in an open position during commissioning, all EV actuators are delivered in a Normally Open position and re- main in this position until electrically operated first time.   >click< The EV actuators are as standard supplied with a separate black adaptor ring. FlowCon also stocks different dimensioned red and grey adap- tor rings. The EV.0.2 comes with cable plug-in. All other EV actuators have fixed cables. Mount the adaptor ring on top of the valve and finger tighten. Do not use additional tools. If cable plug-in version, be sure cable is properly fitted next. The actuator can now be fitted on the adaptor ring. A click noise will indicate that the actuator is correctly fitted (figure 1). In case the actuator will have to be removed, activate the release mechanism. Push the front button and removed the actuator from the adap- tor ring. Figure 1 Orientation Upside-down installation is allowed along with the standard horizontal and vertical installation. 360º Please make sure that the actuator is electrically opened, before re-fitting it on the valve. Figure 2 This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 2
