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FlowCon PIM™-DP DN65-150 / 2 1/2”-6” 04/2024 Installation and Operation Instruction The FlowCon PIM™-DP are available in three different models covering six different sizes: • FlowCon PIM™-DP DN65-80 (2 1/2”-3”) • FlowCon PIM™-DP DN100 (4”) • FlowCon PIM™-DP DN125-150 (5”-6”) Setting After installation and air venting, the desired Δp Circuit is set by adjusting the setting  (figure 2) under the cap on top of the valve. Use a 13 mm (1/2”) Allen key and NOTE: ADJUSTMENT SHOULD BE DONE SLOWLY, APPROXIMATE- LY ONE TURN EVERY 10 SEC. Increasing the Δp Circuit by turning clockwise and decreasing by turning counter-clockwise. Δp Circuit setting ran- ges from 25-170 kPaD and for the below settings, the approximate Δp Circuit will be: Figure 1 Installation Prior to installation the FlowCon PIM™-DP (supplied from factory in half open position), the system should be properly flushed. If it is not possible to flush the system before PIM™-DP installation, please make sure valve is fully open (clockwise turning until fully open) and then flush. Capillary tube Do not damage the capillary tube by compressing or bending the tube with a bending radius below 20 mm (3/4”). Capillary tube is to be finger mounted and tightened with 1-3Nm - DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. Air venting It is important to release all air inside the valve. Upon doing so open and close the partner valve fully. It will make the diaphragm to fully extend and contract and thereby remove all trapped air inside. PUMP MUST BE OPERATIONAL FOR THIS PROCEDURE TO BE EFFECTIVE AND IT MUST BE CARRIED OUT AFTER THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN VENTED. Approximate setting 0.0 (pilot valve closed) 5.0 8.5 10.0 11.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 Δ pCircuit (kPaD) 170 165 160 130 105 70 60 50 35 30 25 To increase to maximum Δp Circuit (170 kPaD / 25 psid) turn the setting approximately 15 full turns. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 4
