FlowCon By-Pass Assembly 1B95200 - 09/2021 4. For terminal flushing , both forward and back flushing is possible, either through the coil or around the coil, according the BSRIA BG29/2021. Choose your flushing procedure according to local standards and require- ments. FlowCon recommends terminal flush- ing with the pre-installed flushing cap and fit- ting of the PICV insert after proper flushing. For FORWARD FLUSHING , connect hose to blow-down valve ( ) on the strainer, slowly open the inlet bypass handle ( ) by turning it 90° to pressurize the coil. Open the blow-down valve ( ) and forward flush around the coil. Close the bypass handle again, close the blow- down valve and disconnect hose. Alternatively, perform forward flushing through the coil following the above procedure, but connect the hose to the combination p/t drain ( ) on the PICV valve. For BACK FLUSHING , connect hose to blow- down valve ( ) on the strainer, slowly open the inlet bypass handle ( ) to pressurize the coil and turn it 180°. Open the blow-down valve ( ) and back flush around the coil. Close the bypass handle again, close the blow-down valve and disconnect hose. Alternatively, perform back flushing through the coil. If the PICV insert is installed, FlowCon rec- ommends that the PICV is set to 3.0 during back flushing to safeguard it against high water velo- city. Connect hose to blow-down valve ( ) on the strainer, slowly open the outlet bypass han- dle ( ) to pressurize the coil. Open the blow- down valve ( ) and back flush through the coil. Close the bypass handle again, close the blow- down valve and disconnect hose. FlowCon International assumes no responsibility for mistakes, if any, in any printed material. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com Page 2 of 4
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