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FlowCon By-Pass Assembly 1B95200 - 09/2021 Installation and Operation Instruction The FlowCon By-Pass Assemblies are fac- tory assembled and tested units for immediate installation on a coil. These valve sets are avail- able in sizes: - F3900.15, DN15 (1/2”) - F3900.20, DN20 (3/4”) - F3900.25, DN25 (1”) - F3900.32, DN32 (1 1/4”) Installation and Flushing 1. Any FlowCon By-Pass Assembly unit comes pre-assembled and pre-tested from factory allowing fast plug-and-play on site. Connect the strainer side to the inlet of the coil and the PICV side to the outlet of the coil. It is possible to order the By-Pass Assembly with flex hoses if required. The By-Pass Assembly includes 3 main parts: - The by-pass unit itself with two 3-way posi- tion ball valves - A strainer incl. blow-down valve on the inlet side to the coil and - A valve housing with pressure/temperature plugs and flushing cap on the outlet side. After flushing a PICV insert, or the like, can easily be installed. - By-Pass Assemblies for 3/4” insert also include complete insulation cap as standard. 2. For both flushing and normal operation use treated, clean, and debris-free water according to VDI2035. 3. Set the bypass handles to Bypass Operation and flush the main system , without com- promising coil components. This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on Page 1 of 4