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FlowCon Insert Program Energy PICV TCV ABV ThC DPCV Partner A-house AB-house The Flexible HVAC Valve Range A fully flexible valve program is the obvious benefit of the wide range of inserts offered by FlowCon. This flexible HVAC valve range covers valve sizes from DN15-50 / 1/2”-2” and includes solutions for heating, cooling, energy, and domestic hot water applications. With the widest insert program, you choose the op- timal solution for your application independent of pipe size. Choice is based on design flow, pressure range, adjustable or pre-set setting, actuator control and then the valve housing. Your FlowCon insert choice gives you: • Full flexibility = field adjustability allows max.flow setting to be changed on commend. • Easy selection - insert selection is done based on flow requirement and independent of piping size. Each insert fits several different valve sizes. • Easy setting - wide and stepless setting span allowing to choose any flow between min. and max. • Simple flushing - without the insert present, full force flushing forward and backward is possible. • No commissioning based on dynamic and pressure-independent regulation in each insert design. • Serviceable = Easy maintenance - the insert design allows service or replacement of the insert without removing the valve housing from the installation. • Simple waste handling - at end of use, valve housing and insert are easy to separate and sort properly.
