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FlowCon Essentia The Essence of an Adjustable and Compact PICV With FlowCon Essentia, PICV design is even more compact and is still able to deliver the same basic benefits as FlowCon’s other adjustable PICVs. Similarly, FlowCon Essentia is a 100% authority guaranteed pressure independent flow control valve with full stroke modulation. The valve will self- balance at all points of operation, even when ex- posed to variable control signals, providing optimal authority at all times. Despite change in the valve’s maximum flow, the actuator will always have elec- trical control over the full valve stroke length. The compact design of FlowCon Essentia provides a 3-in-1 complete unit covering three flow ranges from 0.00987 to 0.473 l/sec (0.156-7.48 GPM) in three ΔP ranges up to 600 kPaD (87 psid). The valve offers stepless adjustment with 41 different setting indications between minimum and maximum flow. • Compact one-unit PICV , including modulating control valve, dynamic flow limiter and differential pressure control valve in one valve housing. • 100% authority pressure independent - for any of the valve’s pre-defined 41 max. flow settings. • Full stroke modulation at any flow setting - for full control providing accurate flow also at reduced load. • Simple setting and field adjustable - flow setting is stepless and is easily set either before or after installation. Setting may be changed on demand without removing the valve from the in- stallation. • “Sealed” setting - actuator will cover the setting and protect against tampering . • Choice of thermal or electrical actuator. • An easy solution for designers, installers and end-users . Setting is done with the standard FlowCon adjust- ment key. Position is defined by a “mark” on the edge of the housing top.
