FlowCon DPCV Differential Pressure Control Valves SDP, EDP and ADP inserts • FlowCon SDP - simple and fixed - covers 20 mm (3/4”) inserts with fixed ΔpC of 10 / 20 / 30 kPaD (1.45 / 2.90 / 4.35 psid) • FlowCon EDP - external adjustable - covers three insert sizes; 20 / 40 / 50 mm (3/4”, 1 1/2”, 2”) • FlowCon ADP - advanced external adjustable includes one 20 mm (3/4”) insert. Housings Insert-based DPCVs can be used with the following FlowCon housings: • FlowCon A - DN15-25 (1/2”-1”) only for 20 mm (3/4”) insert • FlowCon AB - DN15-50 (1/2”-2”) • FlowCon ABV - DN15-40 (1/2”-1 1/2”). PIM™-DP FlowCon PIM™-DP is a one-unit flanged DPCV avail-able in sizes: DN65-150 (2 1/2”-6”). Capillary tube Capillary tube included necessary fittings will as standard follow the FlowCon DPCV-insert or FlowCon PIM™-DP. Applications In heating systems the FlowCon DPCVs are primarily used on risers or branches with the aim of maintaining a constant differential pressure between the supply and the return side and reducing the risk of noise. In cooling systems, the FlowCon DPCVs are installed to absorb any pressure fluctuations introduced by system load-changes which leads to better balance and improved energy consumption. FlowCon ADP also fits as zone control in small circuits. For further information visit www.flowcon.com Application Example Radiator System - horizontal system with Differential Pressure Control. Heat Exchange Radiator with Thermostat Pump Temperature Sensor BTU Meter FlowCon Partner Valve FlowCon DPCV FlowCon International can accept no responsibility for possible errors in any printed material. All rights reserved. 01.2020 www.flowcon.com DENMARK • DUBAI • USA • CHINA • SINGAPORE
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