The Role of The Interaction Designer in The Development of Virtual Reality ©Business Academy Aarhus, 2019 Research and Innovation publication #15 Through applied research, development and innovation, we create value for educational programmes, businesses and society. Read more about our research and innovation projects This publication is part of the research project “The Role of The Interaction Designer in The Development of Virtual Reality” Read more about the research projekt Text and concept Mads Vestergaard Karkov Holst, associate professor and researcher Centre for IT and Technology Editors Anne Lene Parst Wacher & Ulla Haahr Business Academy Aarhus, 2019 Design and layout tuen ISBN 9788797055656 2

Appendix Concepts and abbreviations. 4 Preface. 5 About Mads. 6 1. Why study Interaction Design in VR. 8 2. How is interaction design linked to Virtual Reality?.14 2.1. Designing for the body. 16 2.2. Inside and outside the VR experience.23 2.3. When is something credible – and why is this important?.28 2.4. Choice and design of interactions.36 2.5. The development process behind a VR project. 41 3. What is Interaction Design?. 46 4. Understanding Virtual Reality.56 5. Summary.62 6. About the research project.66 7. References.70 3
