ABOUT THE DANISH AGRO GROUP Danish Agro is an independent cooperative-based company owned by 8,250 Danish farmers. Danish Agro was founded in 1901 and today it is one of the largest and most significant agribusiness groups in Northern Europe. The Danish Agro group is an international agricultural group with over 5,000 employees in 15 countries, primarily in Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Danish Agro is a member of FEFAC, DAKOFO which is the trade organisation for crop and feed trading in Denmark and is also a member of the trade associa- tion Danish Agriculture and Food Council. The group mainly deals with the selling of feed mixes, ingredi- ents and vitamin mixes, fertiliser, plant protection, seeds and energy plus the purchase of crops from farms. In addition, the group represents a number of strong machinery brands for agriculture and operates an extensive chain of hobby and leisure retail stores. This report covers a number of policies. These poli- cies have all been adopted by the entire Danish Agro group and thus also apply to all subsidiaries. This report is the Danish Agro group’s seventh Com- munication on Progress report and serves as the group’s mandatory report on Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) pursuant to Section 99(ab) of the Danish Financial Statements Act for the financial year 2022. The Danish Agro group’s annual report will explain the group’s policy on data ethics in accor- dance with Section 99(d) of the Danish Financial Sta- tements Act. The annual report will be available on Danish Agro’s website danishagro.com. The Danish Agro group’s approach towards CSR is anchored in a CSR policy approved by the group’s management team. 2

FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY In the Danish Agro group, we endeavour to live up to our social responsibility by running our business pro- fitably and sustainably and by integrating financial, social, environmental and ethical considerations into our production and processes. We wish to ensure a sustainable development of our business activities, and put extra emphasis on priori- tising high-quality products, high delivery reliability, limited consumption of resources and consistent sustainable development throughout our value chain and in dialogue with our stakeholders. Danish Agro has signed the UN Global Compact and fully supports the UN guidelines for human rights and commerce. We make every effort to integrate these principles in our business and value chain based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles and a code of conduct for suppliers. In addition, Danish Agro shares the Danish Agricul- ture and Food Council’s vision of climate-neutral foodstuffs by 2050 - which means that by that date the foodstuffs sector shall not emit more greenhouse gases than it captures. In 2020, we started the process of developing a num- ber of specific action plans and targets to ensure that we contribute to achieving this vision. This will be through our own initiatives plus partnerships with farmers, organisations and companies, and we will need to find a financially viable route to climate-neu- tral production of foodstuffs. In 2022, the Danish Agro board of directors has approved the Group’s new ESG targets, including interim targets towards a carbon-neutral production by 2050, i.e. by 2026 we will have reduced CO2e emis- sions in Scope 1 and 2 by at least 30% compared to 2020, and by 2030 the reduction will be at least 50%. Maintaining our high employee satisfaction is also part of the Group’s new ESG targets. In 2022, we conducted an engagement and satisfaction survey globally for the first time and the objective is to maintain or improve this score by 2030. Finally, the Group aims to promote gender under- representation in our governing bodies as well as in our leadership teams. Internally in the Group, we have 19% women at C-level (CEO, CFO and COO). Our objective is to raise this number to 30% by 2030. In general, in relation to the climate and the environ- ment, we are focused on reducing our environmental footprint as much as possible. We are working with a number of projects including, among other things, energy efficiency to reduce our impact on the climate and environment. In terms of social responsibility, we are focused on an employee policy which puts emphasis on education, safety and a good working environment. With our suppliers, we want to have a constructive and innovative dialogue based on the principles of human rights and rights on the workplace. In that connection, we are also focused on health and a good working environment, and we do not tolerate child labour or forced labour. Our trainee programme continues to be an impor- tant focus area, and here we assume direct respon- sibility for young people and give them a good start in the agribusiness sector, among other things, by giving them skills and sharing our knowledge and experience with them. In our business practice, we counter all forms of corruption, including blackmail and bribery, and our business activities are conducted in accordance with all relevant local, national and international laws and regulations. In addition, trade on the world market takes place in free competition and in accordance with applicable competition laws. Trade restrictions issued by the United Nations are respected. We look forward to continuing to work with the Glo- bal Compact principles in the year ahead. Henning Haahr Group CEO 3
