SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT We are reducing our own emissions and our environmental impact while increasing our positive influence through concrete initiatives and offers targeted at our customers. PEOPLE AND RESPONSIBILITY With our values as lodestars, we are working to ensure that the DLG Group is a responsible company with a strong focus on diversity, inclusion, safety, health and good leadership. AGRICULTURE OF THE FUTURE Through strategic partnerships, we are developing new methods and products that support the transition in agriculture and that will ensure a sustainable future for future generations. RESPONSIBLE PROCUREMENT We do business with partners who ensure that goods are produced responsibly and in a way that conserves natural resources, protects human rights and complies with applicable laws. We take corporate social responsibility and our work with the sustainable agenda seriously. We support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and we are committed to following the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles for responsible business conduct. We are working at all times to implement the human rights, labour rights, environmen- tal and anti-corruption principles of the UN Global Compact in the group’s daily operations, and we are continuously incorporating new social, environmental and ethical considerations into our production and processes. We comply with all relevant legislation and regulations in the countries in which we operate. HUMAN RIGHTS All DLG Group companies respect internationally recognised human rights, and it is important to us that the rights of involved parties are not violated. We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact and support the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which we also expect our suppliers and partners to comply with. We are working to incorporate the principles in our own business practices and value chain in cooperation with our partners. LABOUR STANDARDS All DLG Group companies respect the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This means that we also respect fundamental rights such as freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining and the right not to be subjected to forced labour, child labour or discrimination. We strive to provide safe working conditions, a healthy working environment and equal opportunities for our employees and partners, regardless of gender, background, ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality, etc. UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGS) The 17 SDGs constitute an ambitious agenda for global development which, between now and 2030, will set the direction for a more sustainable development. We support the UN SDGs, and we have incorporated them into our sustainability plan. Given the industry in which we operate, we focus in particular on seven of the 17 SDGs. Across the group, we are helping to deliver on these seven SDGs, and with every year that passes they are becoming increasingly integrated into our business. We use the SDGs to increase awareness about where we are focusing our efforts. In the DLG Group, we are convinced that it must be possible to measure our sustainability efforts by our actions. The matrix to the left provides an overview of how the individual SDGs relate to the topics in our sustainability plan, Zero. READ MORE AT DLG.DK/EN 55 Creating the Future – Strong results – Our customers’ preferred partner – Creating value through sustainable solutions – Success through commitment and leadership – Consolidated financial statements
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