2021 PROPORTION OF OUR SOY IMPORTS VERIFIED AS DEFORESTATION-FREE 2022 2023 2024 2025 15% 40% 66% 80% 100% value chain, for example by means of satellite monitoring and enhanced traceability. In 2023, a collaboration between WWF, Ethical Trade Denmark and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs led to the signing of a joint agreement on the purchase of credits from vulnerable natural areas in Brazil. This will help increase transparency – and protect the vulnerable regions from which we do not want to import soy. SCIENCE BASED TARGETS FLAG FROM 2025 Every year, we work hard to increase the amount of imported verified deforestation-free soy by 20 percentage points, ensuring that by 2025 all soy will be responsibly produced and verified deforestation-free according to the Soy Sourcing Guidelines as described by the European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC). We continue our efforts to ensure responsible conditions in the countries where soy is produced. Therefore, from 2025, we will live up to the Science Based Targets initiative’s so-called FLAG Guidance. In doing so, we ensure an even greater focus on not only deforestation, but also other vulnerable natural areas when importing soy and other raw materials. PROCUREMENT OF VITAMINS, MINERALS AND RAW MATERIALS The raw materials we buy for our vitamin and mineral activities in Vilofoss are controlled and regulated in accordance with EU Regulation 183/2005 on feed hygiene and EU Directive 2002/32/EC. All producers and suppliers who supply raw materials for our vitamin and mineral activities are certified in accordance with the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s Feed Standard (GMP+, FAMI-QS, etc.). Vilofoss regularly conducts supplier audits, checking suppliers in the countries in which the company has activities. COMPLIANCE WITH SANCTIONS When Russia invaded Ukraine, we decided to stop all trading with Russia. This means that, unlike a number of other players, we no longer import raw materials from Russia for use in feed production. The war in Ukraine also led to the adoption of a number of sanctions against Russia. In the DLG Group, we fully support all these sanctions, and we are screening customers and suppliers against the international sanctions lists. To ensure compliance with the sanctions, we have implemented a sanctions policy that provides guidance on how the group’s employees can ensure compliance. In addition, all relevant employees have access to a digital reference resource where they can check whether suppliers are subject to sanctions, and all relevant employees have received training on how to ensure compliance with sanctions. 53 Creating the Future – Strong results – Our customers’ preferred partner – Creating value through sustainable solutions – Success through commitment and leadership – Consolidated financial statements
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