KEY INITIATIVES REDUCTION TARGETS FOR 2030 SCOPE 3 MORE RECYCLABLE PLASTIC In 2025, an EU directive will enter into force that requires production and trading companies in Europe to collect the packaging that ends up with their customers – under a so-called extended producer responsibility (EPR) policy. We generally strive to keep the use of packaging to a minimum. Together with other companies and interest groups in Denmark, we have started looking into possible ways of introducing new processes to meet the EU requirements, based on collaboration and partnerships. NEW FINANCING AGREEMENT TO DRIVE GROWTH AND GREEN TRANSFORMATION A new financing agreement for the group will ensure continued growth, investments and business development. As one of the first agricultural and energy companies in Europe, we have linked a target of reducing indirect emissions from the value chain (scope 3) by 30 % by 2030 to the agreement. This creates a business incentive that commits us to achieving the target. It has been two years since we first signed a credit facility linked to ESG targets. The scope 3 target has been validated as being consistent with the latest climate science and the Paris Agreement by the UN partnership Science Based Targets initiative. New protein sources and crops Distribution of fossil-free energy Recirculation in all business areas Sourcing of sustainable soy Fertiliser – produced without fossil fuels Biogas production and digestate manure Additives for CO 2 e reduction in livestock buildings and fields -30% 17.2 million tonnes CO 2 e * * Baseline 2019 47 Creating the Future – Strong results – Our customers’ preferred partner – Creating value through sustainable solutions – Success through commitment and leadership – Consolidated financial statements
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