A YEAR OF GREAT CONTRASTS Looking at DLG’s annual report for 2022, I am proud to say that we have delivered our best results ever. Although the year was marked by the war in Ukraine, inflation and large fluctuations in the markets, DLG steered safely through the difficult times, delivering a significant increase in revenue and earnings. We can and should be pleased with that. We are now really reaping the benefits of the strategies we have been working on since 2014. The results delivered this year are driven by a combination of the right strategic direction, favourable market conditions and talented employees who yet again have delivered a strong performance. Although DLG has delivered satisfactory results, 2022 was a year of great contrasts in agriculture. Many crop growers and dairy farmers had a good year with a successful harvest and record settlement prices for both crops and milk. Pig farmers, on the other hand, had a difficult year with rising costs and declining settlement prices. No matter what the coming year brings, we at DLG must stay on the course we have already set, and which has proved successful. We must explore tomorrow’s opportunities and continue to develop DLG, while maintaining a continuous focus on costs. This is how DLG as a company can best support all our customers and owners regardless of the situation they may find themselves in. DLG is and must always be a flagship and inspire confidence in our members that they get the best service at the right price. THE ROAD TO THE FUTURE The winds of change are blowing in agriculture, where efforts are being made to create a more sustainable future. When I talk to my colleagues in the business, their mood is characterised by a strong drive to develop results and solutions that will bring positive change in the future. However, this is a task that individual farmers cannot and should not tackle on their own. Our cooperatives are founded on the philosophy that we are stronger together. The same goes for the green transformation, which is why the cooperatives are crucial for the successful transformation of agriculture. Concrete solutions are needed to reduce CO 2 emissions from farms, and DLG is a key player in making this happen due to our position in the value chain. In spring 2022, DLG took another step towards a greener future with the launch of our new strategy, Creating the Future 2030. The strategy has been developed in partnership by the group’s managers, employees and owners in the form of the Board of Representatives. We have successfully devised a strategy with a very clear common direction towards a more sustainable future for our company. Our focus is on creating a business driven by more sustainable products and solutions. Some of them already exist, while others are being developed, which requires investments. We have therefore earmarked a significant portion of our investment budget for the green solutions that will generate our earnings in the future. We are going to invest money, expertise and time in developing new products and production methods within alternative proteins, input products for crop cultivation and green forms of energy. This will increase the earnings potential of the company and our many customers, while at the same time contribu- ting to the green transformation. This is not only common sense, it also makes sense from a business perspective. A NEW OWNER STRATEGY A strong partnership between the owners and the cooperative society is essential for the development and success of the company. Therefore, the Board of Representatives and the Board of Directors have continued their work on an owner strategy that builds on the group strategy. The strategy constitutes the framework for a continued good and strong dialogue between us owners and DLG, so that we can develop our company together and prepare it for the next generation. Our mission has been the same since DLG was founded in 1969, and we agreed that although much remains the same, a review was needed. We have modernised our mission to better reflect the world we operate in and DLG’s business in its current form. We have also agreed on a new profit declaration model. This means that up to 15 per cent of the total amount for profit declaration can be earmarked for sustainable products to incentivise us owners to choose the most 4 DLG IN BRIEF 2022
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