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KLAUS REFSLUND HANSEN 1.200 SOWS 42.000 PIGLETS MUNCHING AWAY ON PRIMEFEED ”SUCCESSFUL SHIFT TO NEW PIGLET FEED” Mid-October 2017, pig producer Klaus Refslund Hansen began using PrimeFeed, piglet feed from Vilofoss. The piglets in the farrowing section get PrimeFeed Safe (4.5-7 kg) as 3.5 mm pellets. This prepares them for the weaning section, where they also receive Primefeed up to 9,5 kg. Klaus Refslund Hansen, owner of the farm Petersminde, switched to Vilofoss’ newly developed piglet feed in the autumn of 2017 – which he is glad he did: ”PrimeFeed is excellent, the piglets are munching away. We used to feed them with a competing product, but according to my farm manager, they ate only half of it, which is certainly not the case with the feed from Vilofoss. So, this gets them off to a good start, getting used to the flavour and structure of the feed they will get later on.” KLAUS REFSLUND HANSEN Petersminde in southern Denmark In 1997, Klaus Refslund Hansen was a newly established pig producer having 500 sows; today, the number has risen to an annual 1,200 sows and 40,000 piglets – of which he keeps 8,000, 15,000 are sold to his brother, and the remaining pigs are sold on the free market. In addition, under a joint ownership with his father and brother, 900 hectares are dedicated to growing maize as well as grain, rape and grass seeds. P19032