ELEVATED CALCIUM LEVELS for Optimal Fresh Cow Health % of Cows % of Cows Percentage of Cows with Blood Calcium Below 7.0 mg/dl 100 90 X-Zelit 80 Control 70 60 50 41.4% 40 34% 30 24.1% 20 10 3.8% 3.8% 0 0% 10.3% 0% 6 hrs 18 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs Hours Post Calving Cornell University Study; Published in Journal of Dairy Science, 2019 Percentage of Cows with Blood Calcium Above 8.5 mg/dl 100 90 X-Zelit 80 Control 70 65.4% 69.2% 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 hrs 18 hrs 84.6% 96.2% 58.6% 48 hrs 72 hrs Hours Post Calving Sourcing low-potassium feeds and managing negative DCAD programs are challenging. Adding X-Zelit® to your prefresh diet is easy and more effective in optimizing blood calcium levels. No need for low-potassium forages No need for urine pH testing Much lower labor costs Readily consumed Less calcium boluses needed Small grain forages/pasture can be used X-Zelit® Negative DCAD Work closely with your nutritionist to provide a properly balanced diet when using X-Zelit®. info@vilofoss.com www.vilofoss.com VK221101 / Rev. 26.04.23
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