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Stalosan F for poultry Stalosan F can be defined as an unique powder biocide/disinfectant that provides sustained suppression of pathogens in poultry productions. The product manifests itself in the form of pink powder. The composition of Stalosan F is based on synergism, where two or more ingredients reinforce each other’s effect. Stalosan F has proven efficacy against bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus; viruses such as Avian influenza virus, Newcastle Disease virus; coccidia oocysts; worm eggs; fly larvae; fungi. Stalosan F includes active ingredients that kill pathogens and as a consequence of that the product improves sanitation standards i.e. reducing ammonia and improving atmospheric conditions for birds and handlers. The product is non-corrosive to the equipment and it is safe to be apply when animals are present. Simple to use, providing a reliable disease barrier as part of the overall farm biosecurity plan. Because of the low dosage it is also cost effective. Litter amendments are often used in poultry production to reduce litter pH, to control ammonia and as an intervention method in houses with recurring disease issues. Stalosan F possesses similar effects by lowering the pH of the litter and inhibiting bacterial growth, which produces ammonia as a by-product of their metabolism. Stalosan F possesses an excellent moisture absorbing capacity as well. Stalosan ®

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BROILERS • Stalosan F contributes to less mortality and has potential to improve the health status of the flock. • Stalosan F treated flocks often expose better FCR. LAYING HENS/BROILER BREEDERS • Regular application of Stalosan F improves the environment conditions and as results of that a longer production period may occur as well as less disease incidences. • Stalosan F leads to better overall broiler flock performance resulting in improved weight gain and final body weight at the end of the growth cycle. Some studies indicate up to 5% increased body weight at the end of the fattening period. • Several tests reveal Stalosan F potential to provide Return on investment from 1:2 to 1:5. • Stalosan F often grants better broiler flock uniformity. • Stalosan F has potential to reduce the total medication costs. • Regular application of Stalosan F has potential to decrease the ammonia formation and ammonia emissions in the air significantly. • Frequent application of Stalosan F provides lower pathogen pressure and less pathogens contaminated eggs. TURKEYS • Stalosan F has potential to reduce the total medication costs. • Regular application of Stalosan F has potential to decrease the ammonia formation and ammonia emissions in the air significantly. • Regular application of Stalosan F improves the environment conditions and decreases the appearance of some specific disease incidences such as gangrenous dermatitis. • The material significantly contributes to better litter quality throughout the entire growth period. • Stalosan F has a potential to reduce the total medication costs. Stalosan ®
