TIMELINE 2019 Researchers at University of Copenhagen discovered the effect of Product X 2022 Feeding experiments are conducted Adaptations of the active compound Development of combined product in project “No Methane” 2021 Multiple companies and research institutions join forces First experimental trials 2023 Large-scale experiments Distribution of Product X to cattle farmers in Europe and worldwide. Methane – a by-product from microbial digestion Enteric methane is defined as a by-product of the natural digestive process in ruminants. Microorganisms digest feed particles and produce short-chain fatty acids and microbial protein, which then acts as nutrient sources for the dairy cow. By-products from the microbial digestion are used to form methane by other microbes named methanogenic archaea. So, the methane causing a large environmental impact is not produced by the cow itself but by these microorganisms living off by-products from other microbial life. This makes it possible to target the microorganisms without directly altering the cow’s own digestive system. Product X can inhibit these archaea in producing methane. The organisations behind Product X Product X was first tried in lab-scale experiments at University of Copenhagen, where researchers found the potential in reducing methane production from archaea. Following, the innovative work began with collaboration between university scientists and private companies. Product X is part of an innovation project named “No Methane” which aims to make a combined product which can reduce emissions of enteric methane by 50%. Product X is a key part of the reduction. This project is a collaboration of companies from both suppliers of feedstuffs, processing of animal products cooperatively owned by farmers, as well as universities and research institutions. These represent the whole supply chain and the interests of farmers. Want to learn more? Go to www.vilofoss.com
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