Setting the foundation for healthy piglets with a perfect start PrimeFeed is Vilofoss’ pre-weaning and weaning feed, suitable to piglets from a few days after birth until they weigh approximately 10 kg. With the PrimeFeed range, the focus is on getting the pigs off to a good start. The feed mixtures are produced from easy-to-digest quality raw materials and with taste and aroma, that encourages the pigs to eat. Formulated with best possible nutrients profile High-quality raw materials = High feed digestibility Focus on aroma and palatibility => Attractive feed No soybean meal = Reduced challenge of the digestive system AcidFoss Advance and ProWEAN => Less harmful bacteria Calcium source: calcium formate => No limestone acid buffering VitaGain = Healthy intestines and improved vitamin supply = Increased gain = Better nutrient utilization = Improved feed intake = Less diarrhoea = Less diarrhoea = Less diarrhoea = Increased gain PRIMEFEED CONCEPTS PRIME MINI • From a few days after birth • Before weaning and the smallets after weaning • No soybean meal • High milk content PRIME MINI PLASMA • From a few days after birth • No soybean meal • Focus on beneficial fibers PRIME MIDI • Piglets from 5 kg • Weaning of mid-sized pigs • No soybean meal • Focus on beneficial fibers PRIME MAXI • Pigs from 7 kg • Weaning of large pigs • No soybean meal • Focus on beneficial fibers PRIME MIDI SAFE • Pigs from 5 kg • Low protein • Low acid-binding capacity • No soybean meal • Focus on beneficial fibers PRIMECONC The PrimeFeed concept is also available as concentrates. With PrimeConc you get all of the benefits of PrimeFeed but you just need to add your own grain PrimeConc variants: • Mini, Plasma, Midi, Safe
ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF USING PRIMEFEED • 10 gram better growth = 0,2 eur per pig • 0,1 better feed consumption =0,7 eur per pig FFEEEEDDIINNGG PSULAGNGEBSETFIOORNESWBEEFAONRINEGWEANING Providing the best conditions for growth and feed utilization for piglets does not come easy. The ambitious farmer already starts feeding in the farrowing unit and provides suitable feed types and various piglet mixtures during the pig’s first weeks. Feeding several times in the farrowing unit is a time consuming task, but the long term benefits ensure good results. BEFORE WEANING Small weak piglets by birth Low weaning weight 1 mix Low weaning weight 2 mix Piglets whit high biological pressure Large piglets BIRTH WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Prime Plasma WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Prime Midi PRICE INDEKS 105 Prime Mini 100 Prime Plasma/Mini Prime Midi 94 / 91 Prime Plasma/Mini Prime Midi Safe 89 / 86 Prime Midi Prime Maxi 79 FEEDING SUGGESTIONS AFTER WEANING An early feed intake supports health, growth and not least the economy. With the lines Mini, Mini Plasma, Midi, Maxi and Midi Safe you will get a piglet feed suitable for pigs of all ages and sizes. In fact 100 gr of additional feed during the first week after weaning, makes a piglet weight 1 kg more at the age of 42 days. AFTER WEANING Low weaning weight < 5kg 1 mix Low weaning weight < 5kg 2 mix Weaning weight 5-7kg 1 mix Weaning weight 5-7kg 2 mix WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 PrimeConc Plasma/Mini WEEK 4 PRICE INDEKS 124 / 114 PrimeConc Plasma/Mini PrimeConc Midi 106 / 104 PrimeConc Midi 100 PrimeConc Midi PrimeConc Midi Safe 94 Weaning weight > 7kg PrimeConc Midi Safe 92