The international brand VILOFOSS was launched by the Danish DLG in 2018. Back in 1994 the German premix manufacturer Deutsche Vilomix and the Danish company Vitfoss became part of the DLG Group. This was followed by the integration of the French Calcialiment, Swedish Fodermix, Spanish CPC and Belgian Nutriprof into the Vilofoss Group. 467 MLN EURO ANNUAL TURNOVER 17 FACTORIES 470 EMPLOYEES 20 % PREMIX MARKET SHARE IN EUROPE 16 MAIN MARKETS 90 + EXPORT COUNTRIES (Key figures from 2023) VILOFOSS – a strong brand for premix, minerals, vitamins and additives THE VILOFOSS GROUP Vilofoss creates value-adding solutions for the globally competitive farmer through customized nutritional concepts for animal production. In addition to our vitamin and mineral compounds, we offer a wide range of specialty products, e.g. milk replacers, veterinary products, welfare products, products for disinfection and other unique trouble-shooters. The size of the group and the relation to the Danish DLG make us a valuable adviser and partner for the agricultural sector. Our commitment is professional consulting, targeting the optimisation of our customers performance. VILOFOSS VALUES TRUSTWORTHY Because we take responsibility and strive to be our customer’s preferred business partner and advisor. VALUE-CREATING Because we combine global knowledge with local expertise to help our customers and partners to grow and develop by creating new value. CONNECTED Vilofoss wishes to lead the way and we help our cosomers to become market leaders in their field, in the most important business in the world. VILOFOSS CORE ACTIVITIES Premixes Minerals and vitamins Specialty products
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