FreshFoss reduces heat spoilage in feed rations FreshFoss is a combination of acid salts in powder form, which is mixed into the ration prior to feeding. The acids inhibit the growth conditions of mould and yeast, decreasing the number of nutrients being metabolised and reducing heating. This process protects the feed ration against a loss of valuable nutrients and dry matter. WHY DOES THE FEED RATION GENERATE HEAT? • Heat is generated from proliferation of bacteria, mould and yeast • These microorganisms have excpileellent growth conditions at - Accessibility of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates - Oxygen-rich environment - High humidity/water - High temperature • This occurs, when silage exits the pile WARM FEED HAS NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON FEED QUALITY • Heating damages the nutritional quality of the feed • Warm feed has higher microbial activity • Warm feed has lower palatability • Consequences - Decreased feed intake - Decreased milk yield - Reduced bottom line FreshFoss Best in Test DOSAGE INSTRUCTIONS • TMR / Silage 0,2-2 kg FreshFoss per ton feed • Grain conservation 1 – 3 kg FreshFoss pr ton • On top of open areas in bunkers 0.25 kg FreshFoss/m 2
FreshFoss – best in test: Improves the aerobic stability of the feed Heat spoilage in TMR is a common problem. Heat observed in the TMR should be considered an important feeding problem, and it is strongly recommended to regularly check leftovers for heating. The Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (SEGES) has examined different additive solutions for stabilising aerobic stability of TMR. According to the test results, the Vilofoss product FreshFoss TMR was found to be significantly superior in terms of improving the aerobic stability of TMR, compared to propionic acid, sodium benzoate and Salvana TMR. Three tests were done on three different days to demonstrate the difference between control (potassium sorbat) and FreshFoss. Results shown in figure demonstrate an average of 6 percent higher efficiency to prevent heat spoilage in a total mixed ration. Another way to represent aerobic stability is to measure the time to a given temperature rise in the complete feed, e.g. 5 degrees Celsius. The higher the number of hours - the more efficient the product. This is summarized in the table. TREATMENT DAY Potassium sorbate, 0.4 kg/t FreshFoss 0.4 kg/t TEST 1 100 113 TEST 2 100 98 TEST 3 AVERAGE 100 100 110 106 Table 1. The aerobic stability of potassium sorbate and FreshFoss compared at the same supplementation rate. Potassium sorbate is 100% and the effectiveness of FreshFoss is relative to this. On average, the aerobic stability of FreshFoss was 6% better than potassium sorbate. 115 110 CONCLUSION 105 The difference in the efficiency of the products 100 in relation to the reduction of heat generation in complete feed can be demonstrated by a simp- 95 le comparison of temperature development measured with temperature logs. The compari- 90 son showed that FreshFoss is more effective at reducing heat generation in complete feed than pure potassium sorbate. RELATIVE EFFICIENCY Control Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Reference: Kristensen, 2018. Stabilisering af grovfoder. KvægInfo 2565. Kristensen, 2019. Screening af additiver til stabilisering af grovfoder. KvægInfo 2578.