WELCOME Welcome to our 2022 Sinclair McGill Handbook. The Sinclair McGill brand and mixtures have always been associated with quality and has perennially been a product you can rely on. We are confident that we have delivered yet again on our customer requests and formulated the best mixtures that will deliver the most grass in terms of dry matter tons, with clover for nitrog N e e n w fix i a n ti t o r n o , t b e u x t t m a o n st d im pi p c or o t f an J t o ly h , n the highest rates of utilisation. Whatever your farm type or system, we have something to deliver every single time. With our attention to detail on germination and purity standards the old adage rings through when it comes to all Sinclair McGill products, “Performance you can rely on.” John Enright Sinclair McGill Business Manager index 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10-11 SEED QUALITY HOW TO ESTABLISH A NEW LEY OVERSEEDING CLOVER BLEND TECHNOLOGY FORAGE QUALITY & TRIALS SINCLAIR MCGILL MONITOR FARM MULTI-SPECIES FOCUS 12 13-15 MIXTURE SELECTION CHART PREDOMINATELY CUTTING MIXTURES 16-17 DUAL PURPOSE MIXTURES 18-19 PREDOMINATELY GRAZING MIXTURES 20-22 SPECIAL USE MIXTURES 23 FORAGE CHICORY & PLANTAIN 24 KEY VARIETIES 25 SKYFALL BOUNCE BACK BRASSICA 26 CATCH CROPS 27 FULL SEASON CROPS 28 29-31 32-33 34 35 36 37-39 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK PESTS & WEEDS DISEASE MANAGEMENT SEED SOWING RATES KEY SPECIES FOR PRODUCTIVE GRASSLAND HEADSTART® GOLD DISTRIBUTORS & STOCKISTS 2
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