Tour A4, 28 June: Tour leaders: Henrik Lomholt Rasmussen, Freelance journalist Anne-Marie Glistrup, journalist, Communications Officer, biographer More than 30 million Danish pigs Denmark has 13.4 million pigs and more than 30 million pigs are born annu - ally. 70 per cent of them have their roots in semen from Hatting A/S, which houses boars from the DanBred breeding system. 16-17 million pigs end up at a Danish Crown abattoir at the age of five-six months. Most pork from Danish Crown is exported just as the Danish breed - ing system has increased its export of breeding genes. You will learn more on this tour that begins at Søren Juul Jensen’s pig farm in Hornborg west of Horsens. Søren has developed a welfare pen with re - duced piglet mortality, reduced use of medicine, and 100 per cent loose sows. He receives a bonus for his special production of pigs, which are marketed by Danish Crown. 12 Danish Crown Horsens slaughters 100,000 pigs per week Second stop is at Danish Crown’s abattoir in Horsens. It is one of the world’s largest meat companies with divisions in Germany, England, Poland and Swe - den. The company is cooperatively owned by Danish farmers. A tour of the ab - attoir – with 1,330 employees who slaughter 100,000 pigs per week – follows the pigs from arrival to the packaging plant. The third visit is to the boar station Hatting A/S that makes genetic progress by using genomic selection of all breeding candidates combined with techni - cal expertise. This has given farmers with sows and own finishers considerable added value. Better protein, efficient and sustainable The tour finishes at European Protein, a company producing fermented func - tional proteins from oil seed rape, soya beans, and algae. Fermentation bene - fit the gut flora, develop the immune system and increase digestibility which makes the products more resource-efficient and sustainable. European Pro - tein invites us to a BBQ dinner. Photo: L&F As a participant, you must not have visited another pig farm or have been in contact with pigs within the 24 hours preceding the tour.
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