2 Annual Report DLF AmbA 2022/23 CONTENT WE TURN SCIENCE INTO GROWTH Record-high revenue in our jubilee year 3 Highlights 2022/23 4 Financial highlights 6 The Group Executive Management 8 The world of DLF 10 Our four global values 12 Innovation & entrepreneurship 14 Global synergies 16 Environmental sustainability 18 Empowerment 20 The Board of Directors 22 Financial statement 24 Statement by management 25 Independent auditor’s report 26 Management’s review 28 CSR-report 35 DLF and UN’s global Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) 37 Current CSR initiatives 38 Our value chain from a CSR perspective 42 Our business ethics and morality 44 Social responsibility – employees 48 Social responsibility in relation to society 52 Accounting policies 54 Income statement 59 Balance sheet – assets at 30 June 2023 60 Balance sheet – equity and liabilities at 30 June 2023 61 Statement of changes in equity 62 Cash flow statement 63 Notes 64 Company details 74 EDITORIAL DLF Communication Department DLF SEEDS A/S GRAPHIC DESIGN Lisbeth Eilenberger eilenberger.dk PRINT STIBO A/S 200 pcs.
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