DLF ForageMax® Quality Grass Seed Mixtures INCREASE YOUR FARM PRODUCTIVITY IN A NATURAL WAY Maintaining milk and meat production that’s both local and sustainable involves a balance. The methods and techniques we adopt must deal with the agricultural, climatic and environmental challenges and improve farm productivity. We develop seeds with better resilience to changing climate factors such as disease pressure, severe drought and flooding. Namely three forage solutions from DLF will guide you into becoming more self-sufficient. • Perennial forage grasses disturb the soil far less than crops with a single growing season. The less you disturb the topsoil, the more carbon you retain, which increases soil fertility. • L egumes fix nitrogen from the air, which reduces your need for fertiliser. Legumes are a source of locally grown protein, which cuts the carbon emissions resulting from the transport of imported protein. • A diverse range of high-quality forage mixtures reduces the risk of losing production to environmental stresses. PASTURES ARE NATURALLY GREEN • Grass absorbs more CO 2 than any other agricultural crop. • R oots store carbon, reduce N 2 O emissions and prevent nitrogen leaching into ground water. • Grass-clover pastures can fix 300 to 500 kgN/ha, with a lasting beneficial effect on the following crop. • Pastures for grazing or silage have little need for herbicides, fungicides or insecticides.
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