ABOUT THIS REPORT This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report covers the financial year 2020/21 and is DLF Group’s statutory reporting on CSR in accordance with Section 99a of the Danish Financial Statements Act. The CSR Report comprises the Parent Company and all the Group’s subsidiaries. The CSR report gives an insight into the Group’s in- ternational CSR activities. The CSR report supplements the Group’s an- nual report for the financial year 2020/21 but gives a more detailed description of our CSR strategy and initiatives.
3 Focus on well-being and engagement DLF is to an increasing extent investing in our employees. This year, well-being and engagement have been special focus areas. To maintain and attract employees with the right skills, we must remain an attractive and responsible employer. That is vital for the continued development of the Group. In 2020, we strengthened our HR function and formulated a global HR strategy, and implementation is well on the way. We have also completed a process defining shared values across business areas and geographic locations. When, like the DLF Group, you have grown very rapidly via acquisitions, over a relatively short period of time, shared values are needed to unite the organisation. This process has been very fruitful but also necessary. As part of giving HR higher strategic priority, our global Head of HR, Senior Vice President Jette Juel Halberg, has joined the Group’s Executive Management. This is to keep HR in focus and under development. Consequently this year we are introducing three new, am- bitious CSR initiatives centered on HR. These are diversity, health and safety as well as employee engagement. The green strategy on track Grass, sugar beets and legumes are among the most sustainable crops. More grass and sugar beet fields will lead to greener agriculture, and more turf areas in urban areas and natural resorts will help to curb the consequences of climate changes, such as increased rainfall. We see a wide range of benefits from setting and targeting R&D goals in a green- er direction because we wish to ensure that DLF keeps developing the market’s best climate-improving seed varieties. This strategy not only creates more value and cultivation certainty for our customers around the world. The initiatives also contribute to the green transition in society. Bearing this in mind, I am pleased to note that we have expanded our already green product portfolio to include seven new grass and clover varieties, and two sugar beet varieties for agriculture as well as three new turf varieties to reinforce our contribution to the green transition. We are heading in the right direction. Yours faithfully, Truels Damsgaard, CEO