UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA CIVILE, EDILE E AMBIENTALE Laboratorio Sperimentale per le Prove sui Materiali da Costruzione DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Building materials testing Laboratory Sede: via Marzolo n. 11/A - 35131 PADOVA Segreteria: +39.049.827.5607 Fax: +39.049.827.5587 e-mail: lab.materiali@dicea.unipd.it TEST REPORT N. 36164 Page 1/2 Applicant: Application: Material: Required test: Testing method: Eterno Ivica S.r.l., via Austria Z.I. n. 25/E - Padova Received at 09/12/2013 3 samples of pedestal “ETERNO SE0” series, received at 09/12/2013. The “ETERNO SE0” is an adjustable pedestal for raised floors. It is composed by a cylindrical base element (B0), an intermediate screw element (V0) threaded on the base. The intermediate screw element has a concave housing at the top for the self-levelling head element. Measure the maximum compressive load of the specimen and the displacement of the testing machine’s crossbar. The compression tests were made for all the 3 samples. The components of the pedestal had been assembled and the four tabs removed, the height of pedestal was regulated to the medium (33.0 mm) stroke of the screw. Testing speed set to 10 mm/min (checking movement of moving crossbar of the universal testing machine Galdabini, type Sun/60, with a load capacity of 600 kN). The load applied with two hardened steel plate at the centred on the pedestal. The values of maximum load (F max ) are the values of load at first failure/rupture. The testing machine’s certificate of calibration is n°016-14F about Calibration centre LAT n° 34 with due data January 14 th , 2015. Test activities were carried out on February 6 th , 2014. For any technical and dimensional detail, assembling scheme and any other information not included in this document, brochures and technical data sheets are at Applicant’s disposal. Test Result Specimen 1 2 3 Max Load F max [kN] 19.68 21.80 18.31 Stroke at F max [mm] 4.8 4.9 4.8 Padova, February 6 th , 2014 Laboratory Chief (Prof. Claudio Modena ) Department Chief (Prof. Carmelo Majorana ) The results refer to the samples tested. This report cannot be reproduced without explicit authorization from the Building materials testing Laboratory and it isn’t a product certification.
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