Microsoft Power Platform - Onboarding package • Process and qualification workshop In this 1-day workshop, we will be working with selected departments within the organisation to find workflows that will benefit from one or more elements of Microsoft’s Power Platform. (1 day for workshop and 1 day preparation of report) • Output analysis and presentation of data Atea’s IT architect team analyzes the output of the workshop and identifies the areas where there is a business potential for developing one or more PowerApps, both in the short and long term. After Atea has analyzed workshop data, these are presented to you. Together with the company, the areas are selected and prioritized. If possible, areas can be selected for further deep dives on the Business Hackathon. (1 day) • Business Hackathon A workshop is held for selected stakeholders from one or more business areas. They will gain insight into how to create simple, but effective solutions based on Power Apps and Power Automate. The purpose is to inspire and create an overview of the opportunities for optimization and automation the platform can provide. (1 day) • Build Session Atea’s consulting department builds the solutions selected under ”Output analysis and presentation of data”. (2 days) • Presentation The solution is presented to you and prepared for ”proof of concept”. (1 day) • Completion Based on feedback from ”proof of concept”, the solutions are adapted and moved from proof-of-concept to production environment. At the same time, a simple and useful governance structure is developed for the solution. (2 days) • Adoption material Atea’s Customer Success Team, develops material that introduces the solution to the user in a effektive way. Using the material, the user will quickly gain the necessary knowledge to be able to value the return on investment. (1 day) A total of 10 days, DKK 95,000 excl. VAT.* *Onboarding package does not contain licenses, however, advice is provided on necessary licenses 70 25 25 50 • •
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