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WELCOME With this catalogue SOFTLINE embraces the new reality with an authentic and creative furniture collection. It re- flects our approach to design – driven and inspired by sim- plicity, the natural world and sustainable materials. The new SOFTLINE collection marks a new design era de- fined by human touch, a warm and homely feeling, and a natural and muted colour palette. Our high-quality furniture is made by our experienced and skilful employees at our own factory in Denmark. The world is constantly changing – just like humans. Both public spaces and private homes require inspiring and functional furniture that can be used in new and creative ways when our needs change – even from day to day. The- refore, we have been working closely together with leading international designers in order to take a big step into the future of upholstery furniture with this collection. By continuously developing new collections and creating high-quality innovative and iconic designer furniture, SOFTLINE has become a global brand, and our furniture can be found in private homes and public spaces all over the world. We hope that the catalogue will inspire a new way of inte- rior decorating.