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Taastrup, 11 th August, 2023 Certificate of compliance – EU food legislation Berry Superfos company, hereby warrants that our products delivered are in accordance with the data sheet for the product provided. All products are suitable for food applications excluding: 6085, 993, 6769, 981, 996 577, 541, 765, 772, 4547, 552, 9255, 177 (gasket versions only) products in colours: 255, 375, 475, 523, 575, 577, 941 Compliance: Berry Superfos company further warrants that the products comply with the European Union Commission legislation, with all relevant amendments, listed below: • Regulation EC No. 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food • Regulation EU No. 10/2011: “Plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food”. • Regulation 2023/2006 on rules of Good Manufacturing Practice • Directive 94/62 on packaging and packaging waste – together the “Applicable EU Legislation” The compliance is verified by Overall migration testing at an external accredited laboratory under the following conditions: Simulants 3 % acetic acid 50% ethanol Olive oil Test conditions 10 days at 40°C 10 days at 40°C 10 days at 40°C The overall migration testing is performed according to method EN1186. For substances with SML (specific migration limits) values, these are verified by specific migration testing. Test conditions dependent on actual substance. Specific migration testing is performed according to EN13130. If information on dual use substances, OML or SML values or volume/surface ratio in the individual products is required please contact us. Product suitability: The products are suitable for all food types and for any long term storage at room temperature or below, including hot- fill conditions and/or heating/ microwaving up to 70 °C ≤ T ≤ 100 °C for maximum t = 120/2^((T - 70)/10) minutes. Following this equation: at T = 70 ° C time of contact is 2 hours, at T = 80 ° C is 1 hour, at T = 90 ° C is 30 minutes. Polypropylene used for production of our goods is suitable for heat treatment, but plastic packaging made of polypropylene in general become flexible when subjected to hot temperatures. Care must be taken in relation to stacking immediately after hot filling or microwaving. REACH: Berry Superfos products are produced from virgin polypropylene polymers, clear or with addition of masterbatches, IML’s, other labels and inks supplied to us by our suppliers. Berry Superfos Head Office Spotorno Allé 8 2630 Taastrup, Denmark Tel: +45 5911 1110 Email: Web:
