Tissue sample results Til patienter og pårørende Vælg farve Tissue sample results During your operation we have taken a tissue sample, which will be examined by microscope. Some samples require special processing and therefore take longer than others. In order to give you the result as soon as possible, we will contact you by telephone when the sample results are known. When we call, we will arrange when you can come for a consultation in the ear-nose-throat out-patient clinic in order to hear about your sample results. During the conversation you will find that there are several doctors from different departments present. We recommend that you bring a relative. During the conversation we will plan any future treatment. It is important that we can get in contact with you by phone. If you have not heard from us within 14 days, please call 6541 5549 and we will resolve the situation. OUH Odense Universitetshospital F - Øre- Næse- Halskirurgisk Afdeling Tlf. 6541 2805 Mail via e-Boks på www.ouh.dk/odef Læs mere om afdelingen på www.ouh.dk/afdf x 1/1 Materiale nr: 146954 10.02.2020
