i Biodiversitet: blomsterløg til bier og sommerfugle WHAT IS BIODIVERSITY ? Biodiversity is a term we use to describe the richness of nature. It is about the great variety of animals, plants, habitats and genes. By interaction with environmental factors, biodiversity creates ecosystems in which organisms can live, for example humans. The habitats of bees and butterflies have become increasingly smaller and are also increasingly further apart. Floral roadsides, gardens and public green spaces can constitute an important link between these habitats. Bees on Muscari BULBS FOR BEES The bulbs which we use in our bee mixtures all belong in the top 10. The botanical forms of all bulbs mentioned below are good for bees. “Bees” include both honey bees and wild bees. The mentioned varieties are examples of the tested species. The nectar and pollen value depends on various conditions such as weather, location, etc. In the two columns, the values are given from 1 (moderate but useful) to 5 (very good). Allium sphaerocephalon, moly, giganteum Nectaroscordum siculum Crocus (species and large flowering) Chionodoxa luciliae, sardensis Scilla bifolia and siberica Muscari armeniacum and ‘aucheri varieties’ Galanthus Hyacinthoides non-scripta Eranthis Botanical tulips Anemone blanda and nemorosa Ornithogalum umbellatum Leucojum aestivum Nectar Pollen 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 12

MANY BULB FLOWERS ARE ATTRACTIVE TO BEES AND BUTTERFLIES Many bulb flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees. They owe this to the large amount of nectar in their flowers. Bees and butterflies are fond of it. Nectar is a sweet syrupy liquid containing sugars, proteins and vitamins. The bees and butterflies need those substances to lay eggs. And while they fly from flower to flower, they take care of pollination of the flowers. A win-win situation. Butterfly on Allium giganteum COOPERATION WITH BUGLIFE AND THE BUTTERFLY FOUNDATION Together with organisations such as Buglife, the Dutch Beekeepers Association and the Dutch Butterfly Foundation, we have developed special mixtures which are bee and butterfly friendly. Bumble bee on Hyacinthoides non-scripta BULBS FOR BUTTERFLIES The flower bulbs which we use in our butterfly mixtures are all in the top 10 of butterfly-friendly plants. Of the bulbs below, all specie forms are good for butterflies. The varieties are examples of valuable types. The nectar and pollen values depend on various other conditions such as weather, location, etc. In the two columns, the values are given from 1 (moderate but useful) to 5 (very good). Nectar Pollen Allium sphaerocephalon, moly, giganteum 5 5 Nectaroscordum siculum 5 5 Chionodoxa forbesii 3 3 Hyacinthoides non-scripta 3 3 Muscari armeniacum and ‘aucheri varieties’ 3 3 13
